Think this is the Solway Firth.. and on the other side is Scotland…
Made it to Aspatria
So, stuck my thumb out, with hitching sign saying “Solfest please dude!” almost first van stopped. A lady from Bedlam Boudouir, saying they were at Solfest to run a munters bar.
Here’s some bluebells… well of a sort.
I checked in, my name was on the right list, how organised! I got my tent up. It was dry and had relatively little hassle and plenty of time to explore a bit and chill before the Stewards briefing. Here is the legendary Drystone Stage under construction
Here are some Scottish mountains on the other side of the Solway Firth. Pretty sure about that one. Solfest is named after the water that separates England from Scotland, where England ends and Scotland begins or vice versa….
Here is a lovely steward directing some lovely traffic
And here is Crimestoppers Terri!
Here’s Crimestoppers again
Perhaps this is the Army.. not sure which one though lol
A sign!
Site art
A view of the site
That hitching sign
The stewards await briefing
Polite. What a capital idea!
We do earnestly desire seek and wait
Man in skrit addresses the proletariat
Close up of Chris the site manager briefing the stewards
Festi to festi….
Meet the new lollipop man…
Stop! In the Name of LoVE!
Hippies crossing
Here come lots of happy people….
… to a Big Solfest Welcome!
Here is the welfare altar.
The Love Fairy tends the altar
The love fairy doing the love patrol!
The morning after…
A steward disapproves…
Cumbria loos arrive…. Turns out that it is a big job emptying the portaloos. Apart from being an experience.. the exquisite kosmic khazis at northern green are just so civilised!!!!! Solfest portaloos are the next best thing festi wise…..
A happily engaged couple!
A hardworking steward on the graveyard shift has a well earned rest
Meet the new lollipop man!
Ah Saturday night at Solfest. Fancy dress….
Looking at the main stage
Happy hippy campers I think
And the 4th solfest brownies… they’ve grown….
Here they are again
A splendid firm!
Noooo nooo
Here’s a mum and daughter team come as stewards
A one-man-band
Another view
The parade!
The parade continues….
And continues….
All the way from Kazakhstan… Borat!
Craig David from Bo-Selecta gets his come uppance….
Ello my little rubiks cubes!
The Queen of Hearts
The Dance Tent!
A rat with a pet…
The pub landlord…
Dunno mate….
Chas ‘n’ Dave!
Where’s Bin Liner?
More stewards
Tains list
The crims put in an appearance. A splendid firm….
This was a tricky pic to get….. my camera is tricky to operate in low light… can sometimes get a pic but requires the subjects to be relatively still…
Action at the Drystone Stage
For the love of the Goddess…
The knitting knoras. Called on them twice but they didn’t even say hello…..
A one woman band
Here she is again
Some funny folk in florescent hi vis jackets
Somewhat related I think
Dunno mate….
Well dressed chap!
Solfest bites the dust…. We head home… but we all had a great time!!! Party on dudes!!!!!
Spent most of the day getting home after a pretty early start. Getting my tent down was a bit more tricky. Oh well at least it had survived. This was as it turned out my last festi of the summer….. Spent most of the day trying to get out of Cumbria on public transport on a bank holiday. Still made it…..
Back to Blighty….
Magick Chair! No really, it just materialised at the bus stop on the way home….
Likesay not one of my best blog posts... but hey nobody reads it lol. Sweet dreams! Must head back to my tipi.