Thursday, August 24, 2006

Two Wheels Good!

taken when I Got back to Gisburn, not sure how far it is from Gisburn to site…

Perhaps, if I have the energy I will do a longer blog post about this year’s Northern Green Gathering, if not not. But for now, proof positive that I cycled all the way there and all the way back.

actually I was supposed to be in the center of this pic but my photographer was a dozy volunteer…

Observant readers (or reader would be a fine thing) of this blog will notice the Northern Green Pixie herself sipping one of her rose hip wines, one of the tastiest home made wines I have ever tasted. Herewith another picture of Gael

I couldn't find a picture of a pixie sorry

anyway, surprised more greenies did not cycle all the way, are Merrick and I a dying breed of cycle fetishists in the Green movement?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Splashdown Again!


I forget when I left the site of the Northern Green Gathering (aka Hippies Up North) yesterday, I think it was 1633 hhrs. Got safely back home to Old Blighty (Armley, Leeds) at about 2210. Not bad! It was a wonderful experience cycling. Glad my tyre survived the journey, had to pull two thorns out of it and fix 2 punctures before setting off, took me ages. Oh the hazards of the countryside.

I needed a holiday after Crowbar 2! I might just have had the holiday I needed, special thanks to NGG Wellbeing crew.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

Pictures from Hourne Farm

I originally planned to upload these pics with any commentry I felt moved. I hope to publish another post about what I did down in Sussex, but for now, perhaps a picture can paint a thousand words. I certainly learned that in art history. A few of the pics I am having difficulty rotating at the photobucket, so they will come later.

lentil soup is yummy!

In the refrectory.

remember 'the rabbi's gift? are we all monks and nuns here?

Contemplation of Lentil Soup

nice classical gnomes

a path leading somewhere, a parable of life perhaps

for it is written in the stars

The Mosaic in the yard

anyone know how to repair outdoor mosaics?

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!

evening I think, or was that morning….

A view of Sussex

very co-operative though they don’t seem to do much

The Swans

they could almost be plastic…..

The swans from a distance

And did those feet!

A vision of the New Jerusalem!

The Goethe Room is in the stables

Behind the stable

Popular facial tattoos…..

Goethe, yer man!

I even brought my sleeping bag

Inside the Goethe Room

Eric and Mike give it some

Musicians! And singers

Did someone mention Sex?

The Open Space Timetable

Bluebell and Heather having swapped hats

Rise Up Singing!

with chocolate!

Heather’s Café Choco Celtica!

a typical dodgy Quaker type, yesterday

Dodgy Quaker types………..

who burned the rules?


who’s that fat bastard?

Bluebell’s David Beckham sarong

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Group Photo from the firepit

how many bumps?

Michael’s Birthday

bluebell’s stew being clearly inedible lol

the last supper, or dinner

non vegan alas but no worries

Chocolate cake

splendid chap!

Orlando looking perplexed

a not so gentle Alexi Sayle?


managed to get the timer to work on the camera

In the main meeting room. Who’s that fat bastard?

a chilled sort of place?

Everyone’s gone home

yes it is a skirt not a sarong

bluebell (endymion non-scriptus) again

something for everyone!

The Library

now I’ve got your attention

Even a section on sex and marriage, popular subject!

Bluebell the Photographer (part 2)

A few weeks ago I wandered round the Aviaries in Armley. It was a hot sunny day and I took the following pictures.

Come on England!

I cried all the way to the off-licence after the penalty shoot out!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dodging Bombs and Bullets

Ello Fellow Creatures.

Well, I safely got to Hourne Farm and back and spent 6 days there at Community Building in Britain's "Facilitating Ourselves" gathering. It was held at Hourne Farm (or should that be Hourne Funny Farm) near Crowborough in Sussex, hence often referred to as Crowbar 2.

Who's that fat bastard!

It was only passing through London on the way out that I kept hearing things about do not leave packages unattended due to the heightened security situation. Indeed at Victoria Coach and Underground Stations, such a reminder we got every two minutes.

A bomb, yesterday

But get a load of this! Boarded my coach at Victoria and the driver says that due to the heightened security thingy, we were to switch off all mobile phones, personal steroes and lap top computers. Failure to do so could result in being escorted off the coach by the Police. Driver subsequently tells us that some British Muslims from Leeds had been arrested on suspicion of terrorism, and that all our baggage would be searched by the police (some of them armed) when we arrived in Leeds. If we did arrive in Leeds that is, assuming there was no bomb on the coach….. Pretty spooky really. I did feel angry that the said terrorist suspects were described as muslims, I really do not see what difference it makes what religious profession terrorist suspects have. Or, more to the point, Al-Qaeda is a perversion of Islam, or as one muslim put it, terrorism has the same relationship to Islam as adultery has to marriage.

Anyway, as my coach was due to arrive in Leeds after the off licence was closed, I had scored a couple of cans of cider. I was going to need it. I was still in an altered state after Crowbar 2. And to be honest I still am! I am having the time of my life! Or rather I would be if I were not having spasms of that undiagnosed physical pain in my right cheek! Aghhh!!!!

So, likesay, prayed that we would arrive safely in Leeds and that our encounter with the Fuzz would be just part of life's rich tapestry. I had some anxiety that National Express terms and conditions re alcohol mite have included stuff in the bottom of the rucksack. Still, anti terroism police are not supposed to be looking for a can of cider or two.

And when we got to Leeds, nothing, no Police, armed or unarmed.

Got home, checked my Republican Mail, shut door to my room, opened cans of strongbow and wrote in my diary "Splashdown". An unforgettable trip if nothing else. More later.

I've been to the Moon!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Saving the Planet (Part One of an occasional series?)

“In and through true community lies the SALVATION of the world!”

Does anyone apart from me just feel it to be true?

A planet, yesterday.  A rather good one actually

I am running on empty, in severe pain, and of course am very depressed.

Very excited about attending, or still hoping to attend “Facilitating Ourselves” gathering, community building on the model of M Scott Peck and facilitating of such community. I think so anyway. Hold The Fort!

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