The lovely Manuela’s celebration of life on the occasion of the commencement of her 41st trip around the sun did occur on the easter weekend, it was lovely to enjoy her hospitality in Loopy Liverpool. Above of course is the largest Steeplehouse in Old England. Pretty Impressive?
Here is the Birthday Girl with the scran as we prepared to leave for the party.
Loading it into a wheelbarrow of course
Perhaps Portugese Rose would go down well
And off we set
Passing an ultra modern Anglican Steeplehouse on the way with a lovely pyramid shape. Give me that olde time religion! Last steeple house I saw in shape of pyramid was a Plymouth Brethren Gospel Hall in Birmingham, it proably had the same architects.
Wonder if Manuela’s plan to have a marquee in the park was a bit whimsical
We got it up in the end, but it was heavy going when there was just me Gavin and Manuela. Things got a bit better when the reinforcements turned up
Not sure it would have stood the wind and the rain but there u go. I was there honest! But no one ever photographs the photographer unless u slip ‘em a fiver
Manuela was left holding the baby
But I was on hand to drip feed her some rose
Goes without saying we tidied up
Competition amongst English Cities for Phallic Architecture is very intense, here’s Loopy Liverpool’s attempt to rival Leeds
Feel the Love! You know you want to!
Cheers Manuela! Here’s to the next 40 years!
Perhaps Liverpool is the Pool of Life as Carl would have it
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