Pictured below is the Merrion Center today, named after Avid Merrion of course. Apologies whoever you are who is pictured, happy to remove said picture or credit you.
Raw spirituality. Raw Dissent. Raw sexuality (well I can dream can't I....). No holds barred. As historical as the Samual Pepys Diary. But without the onanism or shagging of married ladies. Honest.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Testing again!
Pictured below is the Merrion Center today, named after Avid Merrion of course. Apologies whoever you are who is pictured, happy to remove said picture or credit you.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Tetley Challenge
More on the Git Box (Make me a Muslim Lesbian)
Must confess also that the title reminded me of a graphitti wall of yesteryear which ran “MY MOTHER MADE ME A LESBIAN” underneath some wag had written “IF I SENT HER THE WOOL WOULD SHE MAKE ME ONE”.
So format of show was they had an Iman (Muslim vicar) on a mission. Goes to Harrogate, here in the West Riding of Yorkshire, a town with few Muslims. Recruits happy go lucky band of non Muslims prepared to give Islam a go if only for 3 weeks.
Now, if there are any identity questions within Islam (and I for one suspect there are some within all of the “great faith traditions”) none came out in this programme, alas. Is someone a “bad Muslim” if they drink alcohol moderately? Or have soft porn? Or hard porn? Or sleep with their fiancĂ©? Or cuddle their boyfriend/girlfriend after a row during Ramadan?
Anyway, Brit Bloke taxi driver Phil seemed to do a lot of the first episode nipping of for a pint, a bacon butty and even a trip to Harrogate’s only strip club. So it was decided that Harrogate is a town with too much temptations… who’d have thought it! I’m on my way! LOL
Also having decided that Luke’s homosexuality was un-Islamic, it seems they felt this was as a result of too much female company (?!?!) so they arranged for him to have more male company (?) and more cricket. Well as I think I recall Luke saying: got his testosterone going hehe.
And there was at least one advert for a product containing dead pigs in the ad breaks. Lead us not into temptation….
Anyway with the rise of Unreality Television, Elimination Shows and so on, television is more than ever it would seem about conflict. So if this band of willing Harrogate Muslims and their mentors had been relatively conflict free, I am sure creative tension would have been introduced anyway. For a start it can usually be done in the selection of the “contestants” (in this case the volunteers and their mentors).
Back to issues of Identity. I must confess to being a non Muslim. I wonder however if the definition of Islam used here has been a particular definition of what constitutes “Orthodox” Islam. Perhaps there are people out there who would define themselves as Muslims but who don’t wear the Hijab? Perhaps they would agree that Islam demands modesty but how much?
Youtube, conspiracy theories and the dark nite of the soul
And maybe the Illuminati are just working for the aliens anyway. Who knows? No doubt someone knows but is not telling.
Monogamy through the ages… (part one of an occasional series? Sorry I keep losing count)
Seems also that 90% of girl on girl action is bought and watched by men. Beyond me who wants to feel like a surplus male…. Seems also a lot of “straight” male porn stars do gay porn if the money is right. Funny old world.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Don't You See That I! Am Really Worth A Try!
"On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men."
yup! Chicks Did Jerks!
"You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls."
I'm doomed! :-(
"A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold."
Am I really so replusive!!! No chance of any fun sex it would seem.....
Might not get everything into this post but it can be improved and posted again i suppose, hehe.
I suppose if i am fortunate(!?!?) to be on this planet another 40 years I will probably still be mystified by the mysteries of sexual attraction. Likesay as a gay male married friend put it in a letter may years ago, "it is remarkable how many 'right on' het women (is there such a person?) end up marrying the most apalling sexist troglodytes".
Anyway, current msn tagline from D C Lee's classic "See The Day"
"Don't you think that I? Am really worth a try?"
Yes I am bitter! Deal with it!
The Boy Next DoorRandom Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLD)Kind, yearning, playful, you are The Boy Next Door. You're looking for real Love, a lot like girls do. It might not be manly, but it's sweet. We think the next three years will be very exciting and fruitful ones for you. Your spontaneous, creative side makes you a charming date, and we think you have a horny side just waiting to shine. Or glisten, rather. You enter new relationships unusually hopeful, and the first moments are especially glorious. If you've had some things not work out before, so what. On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold. More than any other type, Boys Next Door evolve as they get older. As we said, many find true love, but some fail miserably in the search. These tarnished few grow up to be The Men Next Door, who are creepy as hell, offering backrubs to kids and what not. Your exact male opposite: The 5-Night Stand Deliberate Brutal Sex Master Always avoid: The Nymph (DBSD) Consider: The Maid of Honor (DGLM), The Peach (RGLM) |
Link: The Online Dating Persona Test @ OkCupid - free online dating. My profile name: : borgiaginz |
Idiocy is like hypnosis or ejaculation: if you want it, you can’t have it–and if you don’t want it, you can
"Idiocy is like hypnosis or ejaculation: if you want it, you can’t have it–and if you don’t want it, you can"
which is a quote from an interveiw the director gave.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Jeremy Kyle Show Through The Ages (part one of an occasional series, as it were)
At Marlborough-street office, London, an old woman, named Elizabeth White, was charged with being drunk, and having created a disturbance in the streets. A young man of very respectable appearance came forward to give evidence against the woman. He said the woman at the bar was the mother of himself, and three other sons, all of whom were establishing themselves in business, and each was likely to have his property severely injured by the disgraceful propensity of their parent for gin. They jointly contributed a weekly sum towards her maintenance, and they had even made arrangements with the parish officers for the further support of their mother. Such, however, was her unconquerable propensity for liquor that she would spend every farthing she could obtain at the gin-shop, and though clothed respectably one day, she would appear the next in rags, from having parted with her decent garments to raise money for more gin. When in a state of intoxication, she would make her appearance at one of her sons shops, and, by her disgraceful situation, and her conduct, she would cause a riot, and thus create much injury to his business. All her sons had times out of number been subjected to this annoyance, and it now had become necessary to ask the magistrate to inflict some sort of punishment on their mother. It was useless sending her to the workhouse, as she had discharged herself twenty times from that refuge; some more severe mode of restraint must now be adopted towards her. Mr Chambers said that it was shocking to see a woman advanced in years, and the mother of a grown up family, so disgrace herself. He knew of no course to pursue, unless the sons sent her to some village where no gin was sold, if such a place could be found in England. The old woman she said would not go near her sons again, if she were released. The magistrate was informed that she had made the same promise repeatedly, and no later than the previously day had been discharged from custody on a similar plea. She was sent to prison in default of bail.
From ”The Northern Star” 29/September/1838
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Pardshaw! The Movie!
Well that’s another post….
So anyway with only 1 confirmed guest, me, set off for my 40 Birthday Bash. Think I had better let pics speak for themselves with minor over dicta? Whatever.
Bought a supersaver return ticket at Leeds Train station. Not a bad journey as far as Penrith over oceans of green…. Had a through ticket to Cockermouth.The railway runs out at Penrith however, no doubt due to Dr Bleaching… So waited for bus at Penrith Station. Looks like they got a castle at Penrith. Pictures of rainbows and sunsets never seem to come out as good in pics especially my digital cameras..
So along to Cockermouth.
Actually got to Cocker quite late. It was already dark and so had great fun walking in the dark down a 2 lane A road for miles to Pardshaw. Well busses are a rarity in that part of Cumberland. Oh with no pavement and a few suicidal dangerous corners. A small mercy was that I had a head torch which I shone onto the road in the hope of some visibility. And I had too much to carry.
But likesay Made it! The old Coopers Dip Enamel was still there.
And I managed to get the fire going
Now things are getting a bit stream of consciousness….
Walked into Cockermouth following morning to do some shopping.
Here is Chairman Herdwick the great pioneer of Marxist Ovinism. Good to see a bit of Stalinist Realism.
Had to stop for refreshment in Cocker, found an alehouse dedicated to some Lakeland poet and one to a Lakeland mutineer by the name of Fletcher Christian.
Mutiny not poetry say I!.
Have a pic somewhere which I took waiting for final bus out of Cockermouth. Shows statue of Mayo (the pious inventor of Mayonnaise) in the high street.
Now it gets a bit more stream of consciousness…. A random shot of the burial ground.
Welcome to Pardshaw.
Now Cumberland is a bit bumpy here is the path from the Meeting House up to the front entrance and the School Room
Now Pardshaw makes a lovely hermitage but it is a bit big. It was my birthday and I was all alone… Thankfully the Lovely Linda graced Pardshaw with her wonderful presence. She even brought a cake! Pity it was not vegan but I was more than honoured to cut it
Not everyone makes it to 40. Noticed headstone of one deceased Friend in the burial ground who had died a few months before her 40th birthday.
Here is the Birthday Boy cutting the cake
Don’t Mess with the Chef! LOL
Here’s the Dalton Memorial
Getting random and stream of consciousness now….
A pic of the Meeting House
A better pic more oblique
A lovely view of the Cumberland countryside
Another pic of the Meeting House in a better light
A view from the Throne Room
All thanks to the work camp of 1786. Bit before my time…
Here’s one of those red skies that looked better in real life
Here is the front door to the Pardshaw Complex
Just arrived
Or just leaving?
Welcome to Pardshaw, hope you find the presence of GOD. I did.
Let’s go to the school room
I went for a short walk into the village
The Drying Room
Just to show I was there! Bluebell and Pardshaw. Can you guess which is which?
In the School Room! John Dalton the man who invented physics and chemistry was educated here!
Wish you had been there. Here’s to the last 40 years! And JAH willing the next!
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Fairy Tale...
“World’s shortest fairytale.. Once upon a time a man asked a woman ‘Will you marry me?’ The woman replied ‘No’ and the man lived happily ever after and went golfing, drinking, shagging and still had money in his pocket at the end of the week. The End”
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Back from Pardshaw
So glad that this enamel had survived into the era of digital photography, it was there when I first went to Pardshaw for the Easter gathering 1996
I managed to get the fire going
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
The Village In The Jungle…
I took this picture of a lovely herbivore grazing on the common.
And some roses….
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Naughty Naughty (again)
Your Score: On your way
You scored 53 %Sexuality and 53 %Freedom!
You have tried out a few sexual fantasies. You enjoyed them and look forward to pushing yourself further. You may be a little afraid of how far you may go...losing complete control.
Link: The Naughty Bedroom Test written by fergy77 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Born In Hell! Made of Fluff
Terence McKenna Lives!
Diet Plans Trough The Ages…. (part one of a series that might just run and run)
There again, found a copy of “I Can Make You THIN” by Paul McKenna (any relation?) in a charity shop. Will keep you posted.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Life began 40 years ago. Discuss?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
only curious.....?
Your Score: Poly Leaning
You scored... 55% = PolyAmorous
You really seem like you could have what it takes to live in the complex world of polyamory. You do also have quite a sexual appetite, but no one says that there has to be Love without sex. BiParadise.com has articles on Jealousy, PolyAmory vs Swinging, MonoPoly and the fact that is is fine to love more than one person.
Link: The PolyAmory Test written by ericsnyder on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Eating beautiful animals
Funny though that the narrator said that they had to focus on a limited number of issues, as there are so many when it comes to food. And the great discovery? That some of the steaks on the children’s’ menu in alehouses were not actually from beautiful British bulls and cows but from African zebus.
No thanks I am a vegetarian and gotta love family planning. But if I were to feed beastly vile animal products to my offspring I would want it to be beautiful British Animals not some minging African ones… LOL
Even so there is a serious issue of traceability. I have for years been seen as a freak when asking what was in food when trying to purchase especially ready cooked food. I can well understand that the low paid fellow workers behind the counter are far from passionate. But hey, beastly vile animal products are not food. So I do want to know if potential “food” contains any.
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