The more observant readers of this blog may have noticed that the
University of Leeds School of Continuing Education has been discontinued, some Continuing Education ultra-lite being provided by the new
life long learning centre. Unfortunately this led to the closure of the School of Continuing Education Library. A truly unique library! Absolutely ideal for continuing education students. But such is life. So, after the
University Libraries had taken away any of the books that they could give a good home to, a closing down sale was held with proceeds to the bursary fund. Plan was, so I am told, for the rest of the books to be sold by the yard to a book dealer. So, spent a fortune that I could not afford but at least came away with a sackfull of books. As follows:-
Angela Carter: "The Bloody Chamber"
Angela Carter: "Wise Children"
Angela Carter: "The Magic Toyshop"
Asa Briggs: "Victorian Cities"
Ronald Hutton: "The British Republic 1649-1660 "
Cecil Woodham-Smith: "The Great Hunger 1845-1849 "
Malcolm Lambert: "Medieval Heresy"
Simon Schama: "The Embarrassment of Riches"
George Orwell: "The Road to Wigan Pier"
George Orwell: "Animal Farm"
George Orwell: "Keep the Aspidistra Flying "
Christopher Hill: "Reformation to Industrial Revolution"
Ashton/Fryson/Roberts: "The Chartist Legacy"
Marge Piercy: "Woman on the Edge of Time "
George Rude: "Revolutionary Europe 1783-1815 "
Michael Wood: "In search of the Dark Ages" (poor paperback version)
Kathleen M Kenyon: "Beginning in Archaeology"
Rosalind K Marshall: "Elizabeth I "
Andrew Pickering: "Lancastrians to Tudors "
Robert Kaiser: "Inside the Council"
E H Carr: "What is History?"
Malcolm Todd: "Roman Britain 55 bc-400 ad "
Michael Crawford: "The Roman Republic"
John Bunyan: "Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners/The life and Death of Mr Badman"
John Bright: "A History of Israel"
Arnold Bonner: "British Co-operation"
Babera Watterson: "Introducing Egyptian Hieroglyphics"
Frank Delaney: "The Celts" (paperback edition)
Robert Stewart: "Party and Politics 1830-1852"
Samuel Smiles: "Self Help"
Herman Melville: "Moby Dick"
Hilary Wilson: "People of the Pharaohs "
J F C Harrison: "The Common People"
Alvin Toffler: "Future Shock"
Michael Vickers: "The Roman World "
Hillel Geva: "Ancient Jerusalem Revealed"
Jay M Pasachoff: "Astronomy"
Colin Renfrew: "Before Civilisation"
Colin Martin/Geoffrey Parker: "The Spanish Armada"
Carol Duncan: "Civilising Rituals – Inside Public art museums"
John Bunyan: "The Pilgrim’s Progress"
Henry Pelling: "Britain and the Second World War"
David V Erdman: "Blake – Propet Against Empire"
R J C Atkinson: "Stonhenge" (very old tattered and torn copy)
William Cobbett: "Rural Rides"
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch"
Christopher Hill: "Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England"
Michael Kidron/Ronald Segal: "The State of the World Atlas"
1997 Whittakers Almanac
97th Pears Cyclopedia
Plus a pamphlet “Affirmations – God in the Modern World- The Inner Light”, yup, you guessed it, by some dodgy Quaker type one Gerald K Hibbert. Plus two cds, one of Tibetan one of Japanese Music.
Managed to get said books back to my flat. In the long term they have all gone to a good home. Though in the short term, I don’t have room, I am not cut out for a bridge of sigh’s bed sit.
Noticed that the book “The Fall of Zion” about the decline of Chapel Architecture in Yorkshire had gone to a good home. This was the end of an era.
“Come on Bluebell you’re supposed to buy these books not read them” said Doctor Chase at one point. Ah if I had unlimited funds. And more volume in cottage. Still, perhaps I should get a badge struck “
MAD PROFESSOR IN TRAINING” plus the t shirt and bumper sticker.